auxiliary verb
pt.could- know or knows how to
- am, are, or is able to
- am, are, or is likely or at all likely to: can that be true?
- have or has the moral or legal right to
- Informal am, are, or is permitted to; may
Origin of can
Middle English from OE, 1st and 3d person; personal (grammar) singular , present tense indicative , of cunnan, know, have power to, be able; common Germanic from Indo-European base an unverified form gen-, an unverified form gno- from source Classical Latin gnoscere, know; origin, originally meaning “to be able mentally or spiritually,” as distinguished from may, “to be able physically”- know or knows how
- am, are, or is able: yes I can
- am, are, or is likely or at all likely
- have or has the moral or legal right
- Informal am, are, or is permitted; may
can but