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so 1
(sō)so 2
or So.,
So is used in several different ways.
You can use so after do to refer back to an action that has just been mentioned. For example, instead of saying 'He crossed the street. As he crossed the street, he whistled', you say 'He crossed the street. As he did so, he whistled'.
You can use so after if to form a conditional clause. For example, instead of saying 'Are you hungry? If you are hungry, we can eat', you say 'Are you hungry? If so, we can eat'.
You often use so after a reporting verb such as think or expect, especially when you are replying to what someone has said. For example, if someone says 'Is Alice at home?', you can say 'I think so', meaning 'I think Alice is at home'.
The reporting verbs most commonly used with so are believe, expect, hope, say, suppose, tell, and think.
So is also used in a similar way after I'm afraid.
You can also use so to say that something that has just been said about one person or thing is true about another. You put so at the beginning of a clause, followed by be, have, an auxiliary verb, or a modal, and then the subject of the clause.
You can use so to emphasize an adjective. For example, you can say 'It's so cold today'.
However, if the adjective is in front of a noun, use such, not 'so'. Say, for example, 'It's such a cold day today'.
If the adjective comes after the, this, that, these, those, or a possessive, don't use 'so' or 'such'. Don't say, for example 'It was our first visit to this so old town'. You say 'It was our first visit to this very old town'.
You can also use so to emphasize an adverb.
You use so in front of an adjective to say that something happens because someone or something has a quality to an unusually large extent. After the adjective, use a that-clause.
Be Careful!
Don't use 'so' in the second clause. Don't say, for example, 'We were so angry so we asked to see the manager'.
You can use so in a similar way in front of an adverb.
Instead of using so in front of an adjective, you can use such in front of a noun phrase containing the adjective. For example, instead of saying 'The car was so old that we decided to sell it', you can say 'It was such an old car that we decided to sell it'.
You can use so, and so, or so that to introduce the result of a situation that you have just mentioned.
You also use so that to say that something is done for a particular purpose.
very tooSo, very, and too can all be used to intensify the meaning of an adjective, an adverb, or a word like much or many.
Very is a simple intensifier, without any other meaning.
So can suggest an emotion in the speaker, such as pleasure, surprise, or disappointment.
So can also refer forward to a result clause introduced by that.
Too suggests an excessive or undesirable amount.
Too can be used with a to-infinitive or with for to say that a particular result does not or cannot happen.
Noun | 1. | so - the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization solfa syllable - one of the names for notes of a musical scale in solmization |
Adv. | 1. | so - to a very great extent or degree; "the idea is so obvious"; "never been so happy"; "I love you so"; "my head aches so!" intensifier, intensive - a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies; "`up' in `finished up' is an intensifier"; "`honestly' in `I honestly don't know' is an intensifier" |
2. | so - in a manner that facilitates; "he observed the snakes so he could describe their behavior"; "he stooped down so he could pick up his hat" | |
3. | so - in such a condition or manner, especially as expressed or implied; "They're happy and I hope they will remain so"; "so live your life that old age will bring no regrets" | |
4. | so - to a certain unspecified extent or degree; "I can only go so far with this student"; "can do only so much in a day" | |
5. | so - in the same way; also; "I was offended and so was he"; "worked hard and so did she" | |
6. | so - in the way indicated; "hold the brush so"; "set up the pieces thus"; (`thusly' is a nonstandard variant) | |
7. | so - (usually followed by `that') to an extent or degree as expressed; "he was so tired he could hardly stand"; "so dirty that it smells" | |
8. | so - subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors); "then he left"; "go left first, then right"; "first came lightning, then thunder"; "we watched the late movie and then went to bed"; "and so home and to bed" | |
9. | so - (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result; "therefore X must be true"; "the eggs were fresh and hence satisfactory"; "we were young and thence optimistic"; "it is late and thus we must go"; "the witness is biased and so cannot be trusted" | |
10. | so - in truth (often tends to intensify); "they said the car would break down and indeed it did"; "it is very cold indeed"; "was indeed grateful"; "indeed, the rain may still come"; "he did so do it!" |
1 [səʊ]I'm so worried → estoy tan preocupado
it is so big that → es tan grande que ...
he was talking so fast I couldn't understand → hablaba tan rápido que no lo entendía
I wish you weren't so clumsy → ¡ojalá no fueras tan patoso!
it was so heavy! → ¡pesaba tanto!
"how's your father?" - "not so good" → -¿cómo está tu padre? -no muy bien
it's about so high/long → es más o menos así de alto/largo
she's not so clever as him → no es tan lista como él
he's not so silly as to do that → no es bastante tonto para hacer eso, no es tan tonto como para hacer eso
so many → tantos/as
we don't need so many → no necesitamos tantos
I haven't got so many pairs of shoes as you → no tengo tantos pares de zapatos como tú
so much → tanto/a
we spent so much → gastamos tanto
I haven't got so much energy as you → no tengo tanta energía como tú
I've got so much to do → tengo tantísimo que hacer
thank you so much → muchísimas gracias, muy agradecido
it's not so very difficult → no es tan difícil
see also kind, sure
so it was that → así fue que ..., de esta manera or de este modo fue como ...
it is so → es así
we so arranged things that → lo arreglamos de modo que ...
so it is!; so it does! → ¡es verdad!, ¡es cierto!, ¡correcto!
is that so? → ¿de veras?
isn't that so? → ¿no es así?
that's so → eso es
that's not so → no es así
so be it → así sea
and he did so → y lo hizo
do so then! → ¡hazlo, pues!
by so doing → haciéndolo así
I expect so → supongo que sí, a lo mejor
so far → hasta aquí or ahora
and so forth → y así sucesivamente, etcétera
it so happens that → resulta que ..., el caso es que ...
I hope so → eso espero yo, espero que sí
how so? → ¿cómo es eso?
if so → en este caso, en cuyo caso
just so! → ¡eso!, ¡eso es!
he likes things just so → le gusta que todo esté en su lugar
you do it like so → se hace así, se hace de esta manera
only more so → pero en mayor grado
so much so that → hasta tal punto or grado que ..., tanto es así que ...
not so! → ¡nada de eso!
and so on → y así sucesivamente, etcétera
so saying he walked away → dicho eso, se marchó
so he says → eso dice él
so to speak → por decirlo así
I think so → creo que sí
I thought so → me lo figuraba or suponía
I told you so → ya te lo dije
why so? → ¿por qué?, ¿cómo?
he's wrong and so are you → se equivocan tanto usted como él
so do I → (y) yo también
"I work a lot" - "so do I" → -trabajo mucho -(y) yo también
"I love horses" - "so do I" → -me encantan los caballos -a mí también
"I've been waiting for ages!" - "so have we" → -¡llevo esperando un siglo! -(y) nosotros también
so would I → yo también
so long! → ¡adiós!, ¡hasta luego!
so much the better/worse → tanto mejor/peor
she didn't so much as send me a birthday card → no me mandó ni una tarjeta siquiera para mi cumpleaños
I haven't so much as a penny → no tengo ni un peso
she gave me back the book without so much as an apology → me devolvió el libro sin pedirme siquiera una disculpa
so much for her promises! → ¡eso valen sus promesas!
ten or so → unos diez, diez más o menos
ten or so people → unas diez personas, diez personas o así or más o menos
at five o'clock or so → a las cinco o así or o por ahí or más o menos
he took her upstairs so they wouldn't be overheard → la subió al piso de arriba para que nadie los oyera
so as to do sth → para hacer algo, a fin de hacer algo
we hurried so as not to be late → nos dimos prisa para no llegar tarde or a fin de no llegar tarde
so that → para que + subjun, a fin de que + subjun
I bought it so that you should see it → lo compré para que or a fin de que lo vieras
he hadn't studied, so he found the exam difficult → no había estudiado, así que or de manera que el examen le resultó difícil
it rained and so we could not go out → llovió, así que no pudimos salir, llovió y no pudimos salir
so that → de modo que, de manera que
he stood so that he faced west → se puso de tal modo que or de manera que miraba al oeste, se puso mirando al oeste
the shop was closed, so I went home → la tienda estaba cerrada, así que me fui a casa
so you see → por lo cual, entenderás ...
[ˈsəʊ]If she committed a crime, she did so in self-defence → Si elle a commis un crime, elle ne l'a fait que pour se défendre.
I hope so → je l'espère
I think so → je le crois
"I love horses."-"So do I." → "J'aime les chevaux."-"Moi aussi."
so have we → nous aussi
"I've been to France twice."-"So have we." → "Je suis allé en France deux fois."-"Nous aussi."
It was so heavy! → C'était tellement lourd!
He was talking so fast I couldn't understand → Il parlait tellement vite que je ne comprenais pas.
It's not so heavy! → Ça n'est pas si lourd que ça!
"How's your father?"-"Not so good."
BUT "Comment va ton père?"-"Pas très bien.".
so big (that) → si grand(e) que, tellement grand(e) que
not so clever as → pas aussi intelligent(e) que
She's not so clever as her brother → Elle n'est pas aussi intelligente que son frère.
I love you so much → Je t'aime tant., Je t'aime tellement.
I've got so much work → J'ai tant de travail., J'ai tellement de travail.
so many pron → tant, tellement; adj → tant de, tellement de
I've got so many things to do today → J'ai tellement de choses à faire aujourd'hui.
It's been easy so far → Ça a été facile jusqu'à maintenant.
so far so good → jusqu'ici ça va
So, have you always lived in London? → Alors, vous avez toujours vécu à Londres?
So that's the reason! → C'est donc pour ça!
So, to answer your question, → Donc, pour répondre à ta question, ...
So, as I was telling you → Donc, comme je vous le disais, ...
10 or so → à peu près 10, environ 10
ten or so people → environ dix personnes
at five o'clock or so → à environ cinq heures
Sit here so we can talk → Assieds-toi ici pour que nous puissions parler.
so that
I got up early so that I wouldn't miss the train
BUT Je me suis levé tôt pour ne pas rater le train.
so as to do sth → pour faire qch
I kept quiet so as not to worry her → Je n'ai rien dit pour ne pas l'inquiéter.