There isn’t much time left.
There are 24 teams competing in the tournament.
Are there any other suggestions?
There seems to be a lot of confusion.
Long ago there lived a beautiful princess.
There comes a time in everyone’s life when a big decision has to be taken.
They’re going to Hawaii, and they plan to stay there until the end of March.
The children loved Disneyland – they want to go there again.
He lives in Banbury, or somewhere around there.
It’s only a hundred miles to Oxford. You could drive there and back in a day.
She wanted him to kiss her right there on the beach.
‘Look there!’ he said, pointing to a figure dressed in white.
There’s Angela now, coming up the drive.
Would you like to sit over there by the window?
I won’t be able to reach things if you put them up there.
The information you want is right there in front of you.
I’ll stop there, and answer questions if anyone has anything they want to ask.
The Rover car company was forced to cut prices, but its problems didn’t end there.
‘I don’t approve of gambling.’ ‘Well, I agree with you there.’
Yes, Patrick’s a nice man – you’re right there.
‘How do birds find their way across the sea?’ ‘Well now, you’ve got me there.’
If the opportunity is there, we will take it.
The money is there for local government to spend on public services.
There, I’ve done my duty as a good host.
There now – does that feel better?
There, I told you she wouldn’t mind.
Hello, Peter, is your mother there?
Definition and synonyms of there from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
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