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to the inside of: She came into the building.; in toward: I’m going into town.
Not to be confused with:
in – inclusion within a space: He ran in the park. The pie is in the oven.
1. To the inside or interior of: went into the house.
a. To the activity or occupation of: recent college graduates who go into banking.
b. To the condition, state, or form of: dishes breaking into pieces; changed into a butterfly.
c. So as to be in or be included in: parties entering into an agreement; wrote a new character into the play.
d. Informal Interested in or involved with: They are into vegetarianism.
3. To a point within the limits of a period of time or extent of space: well into the week.
4. In the direction of; toward: looked into the distance; pointed into the sky.
5. Against: crashed into a tree.
6. As a divisor of: The number 3 goes into 9 three times.
(ˈɪntuː; unstressed ˈɪntə)prep
1. to the interior or inner parts of: to look into a case.
2. to the middle or midst of so as to be surrounded by: into the water; into the bushes.
3. against; up against: he drove into a wall.
4. used to indicate the result of a transformation or change: he changed into a monster.
5. (Mathematics) maths used to indicate a dividend: three into six is two.
6. informal interested or enthusiastically involved in: I'm really into Freud these days.
(ˈɪn tu; unstressed -tʊ, -tə)prep.
1. to the inside of; in toward: He walked into the room.
2. toward or in the direction of: going into town.
3. to a point of contact with; against: backed into a parked car.
4. (used to indicate insertion or immersion in): plugged into the socket.
5. (used to indicate entry, inclusion, or introduction in a place or condition): received into the church.
6. to the state, condition, or form assumed or brought about: lapsed into disrepair.
7. to the occupation, action, possession, circumstance, or acceptance of: went into banking; coerced into complying.
8. (used to indicate a continuing extent in time or space): lasted into the night; far into the distance.
9. (used to indicate the number to be divided by another number): 2 into 20 equals 10.
10. Informal. interested or absorbed in, esp. obsessively: She's into yoga.
11. Informal. in debt to: I'm into him for ten dollars.
[before 1000]
The preposition into is usually used with verbs of movement. You use into to say where someone or something goes, or where something is put.
I went into the yard.
He poured tea into the cup.
After verbs meaning put, throw, drop, or fall, you can use into or in with the same meaning.
Chen put the letter into his pocket.
She put the key in her purse.
He fell into a pond.
One of the boys fell in the river.
Before here and there, use in, not 'into'.
Come in here.
Put your bags in there.
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[ˈɪntʊ] PREPwhen into is an element in a phrasal verb, eg break into, enter into, look into, walk into, look up the verb
1. (of place) → en, dentro de
put it into the car/bag/cupboard → mételo en el or dentro del coche/bolso/armario
to get into bed → meterse a la cama
to get into a car → subir(se) a un coche
he helped his mother into the car → ayudó a su madre a subir al coche
to go into the country → ir al campo
I poured the milk into a cup → vertí la leche en una taza
he went off into the desert → partió hacia el interior del desierto or adentrándose en el desierto
he went further into the forest → siguió adentrándose en el bosque
it fell into the lake → se cayó al lago
they got into the plane → subieron al avión
to come/go into a room → entrar en una habitación
to go into town → ir al centro de la ciudad
to go into the wood → adentrarse or penetrar en el bosque
see also go into 3
put it into the car/bag/cupboard → mételo en el or dentro del coche/bolso/armario
to get into bed → meterse a la cama
to get into a car → subir(se) a un coche
he helped his mother into the car → ayudó a su madre a subir al coche
to go into the country → ir al campo
I poured the milk into a cup → vertí la leche en una taza
he went off into the desert → partió hacia el interior del desierto or adentrándose en el desierto
he went further into the forest → siguió adentrándose en el bosque
it fell into the lake → se cayó al lago
they got into the plane → subieron al avión
to come/go into a room → entrar en una habitación
to go into town → ir al centro de la ciudad
to go into the wood → adentrarse or penetrar en el bosque
see also go into 3
2. (of time) it continued well or far into 1996 → siguió hasta bien entrado 1996
we talked far into the night → charlamos hasta bien entrada la noche
he's well into his fifties → tiene cincuenta y tantos largos
we talked far into the night → charlamos hasta bien entrada la noche
he's well into his fifties → tiene cincuenta y tantos largos
3. (change in condition etc)
to change into a monster → volverse un or convertirse en un monstruo
to change pounds into dollars → cambiar libras por dólares
the rain changed into snow → la lluvia se convirtió en nieve
they divided into two groups → se dividieron en dos grupos
to translate sth into Spanish → traducir algo al español
it turned into a pleasant day → resultó or se hizo un día muy agradable
see also burst into, change C
see also divide, grow A1
see also translate, turn B5
to change into a monster → volverse un or convertirse en un monstruo
to change pounds into dollars → cambiar libras por dólares
the rain changed into snow → la lluvia se convirtió en nieve
they divided into two groups → se dividieron en dos grupos
to translate sth into Spanish → traducir algo al español
it turned into a pleasant day → resultó or se hizo un día muy agradable
see also burst into, change C
see also divide, grow A1
see also translate, turn B5
5. to be into sth >: he is really into jazz → es un gran aficionado al or del jazz
to be into drugs → meterse drogas, andar metido en drogas
she's into health food → le va mucho lo de la comida sana
what are you into now? → ¿a qué te dedicas ahora?
the children/puppies are into everything! → ¡los críos/perritos andan revolviéndolo todo!
to be into drugs → meterse drogas, andar metido en drogas
she's into health food → le va mucho lo de la comida sana
what are you into now? → ¿a qué te dedicas ahora?
the children/puppies are into everything! → ¡los críos/perritos andan revolviéndolo todo!
→ in (+acc); (= against) crash, drive → gegen; to translate something into French → etw ins Französische übersetzen; to change euros into pounds → Euro in Pfund umtauschen; to divide 3 into 9 → 9 durch 3 teilen or dividieren; 3 into 9 goes 3 → 3 geht dreimal in 9; to get into trouble → in Schwierigkeiten kommen; to go into politics → in die Politik gehen; they worked far into the night → sie arbeiteten bis tief in die Nacht hinein; he’s well into his sixties → er ist in den späten Sechzigern; it turned into a nice day → es wurde ein schöner Tag; I can’t get into my jeans any more → ich komme nicht mehr in meine Jeans; research into AIDS/cancer → Aids-/Krebsforschung f
(inf) to be into somebody/something (= like) → auf jdn/etw (acc) → stehen (inf); (= be interested in) → sich für jdn/etw interessieren; to be into something (= use, drugs etc) → etw nehmen; I’m not really into the job yet → ich bin noch nicht ganz drin im Job (inf); he’s into local politics in a big way (= actively involved) → er ist schwer in der Lokalpolitik aktiv (inf); she’s into getting up early → sie ist passionierte Frühaufsteherin; she’s into health food → sie steht auf Gesundheitskost (inf); he’s into wine (= likes) → er ist Weinliebhaber; (= is expert) → er ist Weinkenner; he’s into computers → er ist Computerfan (inf); well if that’s what you’re into … → also, wenn das dein Fall ist …; I’m not into that → darauf stehe ich nicht (inf)
[ˈɪntuː] prepa. (of place) → in, dentro
put it into the box → mettilo nella or dentro la scatola
come into the house → vieni dentro casa
to go into the wood → entrare nel bosco
to walk into a wall → sbattere contro un muro
he drove into a tree → andò a sbattere contro un albero
to go into town/the country → andare in città/in campagna
to get into the car → salire in macchina
put it into the box → mettilo nella or dentro la scatola
come into the house → vieni dentro casa
to go into the wood → entrare nel bosco
to walk into a wall → sbattere contro un muro
he drove into a tree → andò a sbattere contro un albero
to go into town/the country → andare in città/in campagna
to get into the car → salire in macchina
b. (change in condition) → in
to translate sth into Italian → tradurre qc in italiano
to burst into tears → scoppiare in lacrime
to change pounds into dollars → cambiare delle sterline in dollari
to cut into pieces → tagliare a pezzi
to change into clean clothes → mettersi dei vestiti puliti
he is really into jazz (fam) → è un appassionato di jazz, ha la passione del jazz
to translate sth into Italian → tradurre qc in italiano
to burst into tears → scoppiare in lacrime
to change pounds into dollars → cambiare delle sterline in dollari
to cut into pieces → tagliare a pezzi
to change into clean clothes → mettersi dei vestiti puliti
he is really into jazz (fam) → è un appassionato di jazz, ha la passione del jazz
(ˈintu) preposition1. to or towards the inside of; to within. The eggs were put into the box; They disappeared into the mist.
2. against. The car ran into the wall.
3. to the state or condition of. A tadpole turns into a frog; I've sorted the books into piles.
4. expressing the idea of division. Two into four goes twice.