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as 1
(ăz; əz when unstressed)as 2
(æz; unstressed əz)as
(æz; unstressed əz)adv.
(æs)n., pl. as•ses (ˈæs ɪz, -iz)
Chem. Symbol.
If something happens as something else happens, it happens while the other thing is happening.
You also use as to say that something is done whenever something happens.
Be Careful!
Don't use 'as' simply to mean 'at the time that'. For example, don't say 'As I started work here, the pay was £20 an hour'. You say 'When I started work here, the pay was £20 an hour'.
As is often used to mean 'because' or 'since'.
You can use as in front of an adjective to say how someone or something is regarded or described.
Be Careful!
Don't use 'as' after comparative adjectives. Don't say, for example, 'The trees are taller as the church'. You say 'The trees are taller than the church'.
You can also use as in prepositional phrases to say how someone or something is regarded, described, treated, or used.
You can also use as in prepositional phrases to say what role or function someone or something has.
In writing, as is sometimes used to compare one action to another.
Like and the way are used in a similar way.
Be Careful!
You don't usually use 'as' in front of a noun phrase when you are comparing one thing or person to another. Don't say, for example, 'She sang as a bird'. You say 'She sang like a bird'.
Be Careful!
However, you can make a comparison using as, an adjective or adverb, and another as. For example, you can say 'You're just as bad as your sister'.
as the wayYou can use like, as, or the way as conjunctions when you are comparing one person's behaviour or appearance to another's. In the clause which follows the conjunction, the verb is usually do.
For example, you can say 'He walked to work every day, like his father had done', 'He walked to work every day, as his father had done', or 'He walked to work every day, the way his father had done'.
Like and as can be prepositions, but their meaning is not usually the same. For example, if you do something like a particular kind of person, you do it the way that kind of person would do it, although you are not that kind of person.
If you do something as a particular kind of person, you are that kind of person.
Noun | 1. | ![]() chemical element, element - any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter arsenopyrite, mispickel - a silver-white or grey ore of arsenic orpiment - a yellow mineral occurring in conjunction with realgar; an ore of arsenic realgar - a rare soft orange mineral consisting of arsenic sulphide; an important ore of arsenic insect powder, insecticide - a chemical used to kill insects |
2. | ![]() Samoan Islands, Samoa - a group of volcanic islands in the South Pacific midway between Hawaii and Australia; its climate and scenery and Polynesian culture make it a popular tourist stop Pago Pago, Pango Pango - a port in American Samoa | |
Adv. | 1. | as - to the same degree (often followed by `as'); "they were equally beautiful"; "birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly"; "sang as sweetly as a nightingale"; "he is every bit as mean as she is" |
[æz, əz]as I was passing the house → cuando pasaba por delante de la casa
he came in as I was leaving → entró cuando yo salía
he tripped as he was coming out of the bank → tropezó al salir or cuando salía del banco
as the car drew level with us, I realized Isabel was driving → al llegar el coche a nuestra altura or cuando el coche llegó a nuestra altura, me di cuenta de que lo conducía Isabel
as we walked, we talked about the future → mientras caminábamos, hablábamos del futuro
as he got older he got deafer → a medida que or conforme envejeció se fue volviendo más sordo → según fue envejeciendo se fue volviendo más sordo
as you're here, I'll tell you → como estás aquí or puesto que estás aquí, te lo diré
he didn't mention it as he didn't want to worry you → como no quería preocuparte, no lo mencionó, no lo mencionó puesto que no quería preocuparte
he couldn't come as he had an appointment → no pudo asistir porque or puesto que or ya que tenía un compromiso
patient as she is, she'll probably put up with it → con lo paciente que es, seguramente lo soportará
leave things as they are → dejad las cosas como están
I'm okay as I am → estoy bien tal como estoy
knowing him as I do, I'm sure he'll refuse → conociéndolo como lo conozco, estoy seguro de que no aceptará
the village, situated as it is near a motorway, → el pueblo, situado como está cerca de una autopista, ...
as I've said before → como he dicho antes ...
as I was saying → como iba diciendo ...
her door is the first as you go up → su puerta es la primera según se sube
she is very gifted, as is her brother → tiene mucho talento, al igual que su hermano
you'll have it by noon as agreed → lo tendrá antes del mediodía, tal como acordamos
it's not bad, as hotels go → no está mal, en comparación con otros hoteles
as in all good detective stories → como en toda buena novela policíaca
as you know → como sabe
Arsenal are playing as never before! → ¡Arsenal está jugando mejor que nunca!
as often happens → como suele ocurrir
he performed brilliantly, as only he can → actuó de maravilla, como sólo él sabe hacerlo
as you were! (Mil) → ¡descansen!
do as you wish → haga lo que quiera
tired as he was, he went to the party → aunque estaba cansado, asistió a la fiesta
interesting as the book is, I don't think it will sell very well → el libro es interesante, pero aún así no creo que se venda bien, aunque el libro es interesante, no creo que se venda bien
try as she would or might, she couldn't lift it → por más que se esforzó no pudo levantarlo
unlikely as it may seem → por imposible que parezca ...
as if or as though → como si
it was as if or as though he were still alive → era como si estuviera todavía vivo
he looked as if or as though he was ill → parecía como si estuviera enfermo
it isn't as if or as though he were poor → no es que sea pobre, que digamos
as if she knew! → ¡como si ella lo supiera!
as if to the little dog nodded his head, as if to agree → el perrito movió la cabeza, como asintiendo
as in it's spelled with V as in Valencia → se escribe con V de Valencia
as it is as it is, it doesn't make much difference → en realidad, casi da lo mismo
as it is we can do nothing → en la práctica or tal y como están las cosas no podemos hacer nada
I've got quite enough to do as it is → tengo ya bastante trabajo
as it were I'd understood the words, but I hadn't understood the question, as it were → había entendido las palabras, pero no había comprendido la pregunta, por así decirlo
I have become, as it were, two people → me he convertido como en dos personas
he was as it were tired and emotional → estaba de alguna forma cansado y con los nervios a flor de piel
as was that's the headmistress, the deputy as was → esa es la directora, que antes era la subdirectora
he succeeded as a politician → tuvo éxito como político
I don't think much of him as an actor → como actor, no me gusta mucho
she treats me as her equal → me trata de igual a igual
we're going as tourists → vamos en plan de turismo
he was there as adviser → estaba allí en calidad de asesor
Gibson as Hamlet (Theat) → Gibson en el papel de Hamlet
he works as a waiter → trabaja de camarero
see also such C
as ... as → tan ... como
I am as tall as him → soy tan alto como él
this tree can grow as tall as 50 feet → este árbol puede llegar a medir 50 pies de alto
as big as a house → (tan) grande como una casa
she hit him as hard as she could → lo golpeó lo más fuerte que pudo, lo golpeó tan fuerte como pudo
he was writing as long ago as 1945 → en 1945 ya escribía
she doesn't walk as quickly or as fast as me → no camina tan rápido como yo
walk as quickly or as fast as you can → camina lo más rápido que puedas
he ate as quickly as possible → comió lo más rápido posible
it was still being done by hand as recently as 1960 → en 1960 todavía seguía haciéndose a mano
the fresh snow was as white as white could be → la nieve fresca era todo lo blanca que podía ser
is it as far as that? → ¿tan lejos está?
is it as big as all that? → ¿es de verdad tan grande?
as little as by saving as little as ten pounds a month → ahorrando tan sólo diez libras al mes
as many ... as → tantos/as ... como
I haven't got as many pairs of shoes as you → no tengo tantos pares de zapatos como tú
I've got a lot of tapes but I haven't got as many as him or as he has → tengo muchas cintas, pero no tantas como él
she gets as many as eight thousand letters a month → llega a recibir hasta ocho mil cartas al mes
as much she thought he was an idiot, and said as much → pensaba que era un idiota, y así lo expresó
as much ... as → tanto/a ... como
I haven't got as much energy as you → no tengo tanta energía como tú
you've got as much as she has → tienes tanto como ella
you spend as much as me or as I do → tú gastas tanto como yo
it didn't cost as much as I had expected → no costó tanto como yo me esperaba
it can cost as much as $2,000 → puede llegar a costar 2.000 dólares
as one they all stood up as one → se levantaron todos a la vez
half/twice/three times as ... it's half as expensive → es la mitad de caro
it's twice as expensive → es el doble de caro
it's three times as expensive → es tres veces más caro
she's twice as nice as her sister → es el doble de simpática que su hermana
her coat cost twice as much as mine → su abrigo costó el doble que el mío
without as or so much as she gave me back the book without as much as an apology → me devolvió el libro sin pedirme siquiera una disculpa
as for as for the children, they were exhausted → en cuanto a los niños, estaban rendidos, los niños, por su parte, estaban rendidos
as for that → en cuanto a esto ...
as from as from tomorrow → a partir de mañana
as of as of yesterday/now → a partir de ayer/ahora
as to as to that I can't say → en lo que a eso se refiere, no lo sé
as to her mother → en cuanto a su madre ...
to question sb as to his intentions → preguntar a algn sus intenciones
they make decisions as to whether students need help → deciden si los alumnos necesitan ayuda
he inquired as to what the problem was → preguntó cuál era el problema
as yet → hasta ahora, hasta el momento
see also regard B4
[ˈæz](STRONG) [əz]as he had to be home by 10 → comme il devait être de retour avant 10h ..., puisqu'il devait être de retour avant 10h ...
As it's Sunday, you can have a lie-in → Tu peux faire la grasse matinée, comme c'est dimanche., Tu peux faire la grasse matinée, puisque c'est dimanche.
do as you wish → faites comme vous voudrez
as it is → dans l'état actuel des choses
as it turns out → vu la tournure des événements
as things stand → dans l'état actuel des choses
He came in as I was leaving → Il est arrivé au moment où je partais.
as the years went by → à mesure que les années passaient
as from tomorrow → à partir de demain
As from tomorrow, the shop will stay open until 10 p.m → À partir de demain, le magasin restera ouvert jusqu'à vingt-deux heures.
Pierre's as tall as Michel → Pierre est aussi grand que Michel.
big as it is → si grand(e) que ce soit
much as I like them, I ... → je les aime bien, mais je ...
as much as → autant que
as much money → autant d'argent
as many as → autant que
as much ... as → autant de ... que
I haven't got as much money as you → Je n'ai pas autant d'argent que toi.
as many ... as → autant de ... que
as many books as → autant de livres que
twice as big as → deux fois plus grand(e) que
twice as much as
Her coat cost twice as much as mine → Son manteau a coûté deux fois plus cher que le mien.
as soon as → dès que
as soon as possible → dès que possible
I'll do it as soon as possible → Je le ferai dès que possible.
As chairman of the company, he → En tant que président de la compagnie, il ...